Monday, July 11, 2011

Purple Nails For Caylee

The day a jury of 12 set Casey Anthony free, the blog world and facebook took to the world wide web and rocked light purple in support of Caylee Anthony. I did mine before realizing it was light purple, but it is purple none the less and I fully support little Caylee Anthony.

On Wednesday July 13th, Casey's original release date, through Sunday July 17th her new release date, we are showing our support for Caylee again with "Wear Purple For Caylee". Purple clothes, nails etc.

You can continue to show support for Caylee by signing these petitions below:

Caylee's Law

Try Casey Anthony in Federal Court

There are also several facebook pages you can "Like" even a few in support of Zanny the nanny.


  1. Beautiful nails for a beautiful cause Marie, your web site looking good. beautiful mani. I am so glad your here and joined the NP & G group. Amazing.


    George :)

  2. Thank you. I am in full support of anything Caylee Marie Anthony. I am actually getting my nail polish blog imported over to Wordpress. The address is You should check it out.
